Who's your neighbor?

Question for You and a Way to Receive $10 off a 90 min yummy, blissful, professional massage

The question is: What do you want to know about massage?

I want to start a newsletter and blog for my massage practice and would love to know what you would be interested in reading, hearing, seeing.

What information would add value to your life so it would be worth it for you to subscribe to a massage newsletter/blog?

If you already enjoy getting massages, what do you tell your friends who have never had one?
If you've never received a professional massage, what questions do you have about it?

And the way to receive $10 off that yummy, blissful 90 min massage is to make a comment here answering the above question.

If you give me a useful* suggestion here in the comments, there you go, you get $10 off your next 90 min appointment.**

*I'm saying useful just to be clear, but I'm sure I don't have to worry about people here doing that silly thing I see over on facebook where the comment just reads '#1' or '#2'

**The regular price for a 90 min massage is $80

Peace, Love,Light

Views: 14

Comment by Alex (MUL) on July 7, 2009 at 7:45pm
Hmmm... How about information on how different parts of your back relate with various organs in your body. For example, your lower back may be tied to your digestive or nervous system.
Comment by Robyn Morris on July 8, 2009 at 11:35am
Thanks Alex - that's a good one. I like it.

In the Chinese Medicine view of the body, tension in the muscles of the low back often mean an imbalance in the large intestine or kidney meridians. And emotionally, the low back supports our weight from above so stiffness and pain there is often related to our issues of security and self support.

There is definitely a lot I could write on how massage can alleviate that tension physically, energetically, and emotionally. Thank you!

Let me know if you want to take me up on the $10 off offer. :)
Comment by Osmara Vindel on July 10, 2009 at 12:28pm
Are you familiar with Reiki and energy work?
Comment by Robyn Morris on July 10, 2009 at 12:38pm
Yes. I have not formally studied Reiki or any specific energy work as of yet, but my massage is based on my intuition as to what my client needs at that time - pressure, pace, rhythm, area of focus, and of course my intention. I have a very strong energetic connection to my clients and definitely transmit whatever qualities and healing vibrations that I pick up as being needed.


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