Who's your neighbor?

When it comes to most of our desires or yearnings, we seem to do a bit of research to make sure we are getting the very best deal and/or quality.

For example, in planning a trip to Hawaii, I researched every travel website and called several travel agencies until I found the best deal. I was quite satisfied. However, it is surprising that most people do not place the same amount of effort in finding the very best option for their money. 60% of Americans between the ages of 25 to 60 do not even have $25,000.00 saved…that is very surprising to say the least. Why we do not value our money or seek the best banking services and assistance, are questions that baffle me.

In meeting people and discussing the above questions, I often hear the same responses, to wit:

"I have been with my bank for many years."
"I am comfortable with my current bank."
"I do not have the money to save."
"I do not have the time to find better service or assistance."

I usually respond by asking who do you really know at your bank, who is willing to give you direct access or time when you need his/her help or advice, who do you know that you can trust? Because it is your money, you should be seeking the ultimate services and attention.

At my current institution, I am given the liberty to build a direct relationship with my clients. Think of it as private banking without the cost. When you need guidance or assistance you simply have to contact me and I will help you with all your financial needs. Together we will build a banking relationship geared to reaching all your financial goals.

It is your money, should you not have the best services and assistance? I believe so. If you are interested please feel free to contact me here at myspace or at My door is always open.

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