Who's your neighbor?

Mio Santana
  • Female
  • Miami, FL
  • United States
  • Undisclosed
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Mio Santana's Friends

  • Rick Roca
  • Catalina
  • PALO!
  • Giancarlo Chia
  • Downtown Athletic Club, Miami
  • Karen Warner
  • AirMD
  • Rick
  • Ecco Restaurant + Pizzateca
  • Christian Tang
  • MIA at Biscayne
  • Gil Grisales
  • John Lancaster
  • Brian
  • Abraham Ash

Mio Santana's Condos


Mio Santana's Page

Profile Information

About me:
I'm somewhere between a type A and type B personality but it really depends on the day. I'm nicer than I would like to be but no matter what I do I can't seem to change that. I have a secret love affair with Tiramisu. Oh and I eat way too much to be at the weight I am, its a physical impossibility but I guess its possible after all. Oh and last but not least, with me, you start off with 100%.
Freelance: writer, brand consultant & marketing and event coordinator
Schools and Education:
FIU English Literature Major, Journalism Minor
Contact info:
My website:
I live at (name of condo/community):
I'm looking for:
Friends, Networking
I frequent the following places:
Design District, Downtown, South Beach

Mio Santana's Blog

Here's how you get that warm fuzzy feeling!

I've been thinking a lot about life, why we're here and why we're so selfish lately, and it makes me wonder, why do we do it all? Why do we wake up in the morning and wash our faces to face the world??

Its because we have hope. We have hope that one day soon our hard work and sacrifice will pay off in some way and get us to a position where we feel complete and at peace. And I will tell you right now, that feeling of hope is something you can't put a price tag on. That feeling of hope… Continue

Posted on November 24, 2009 at 10:40am — 1 Comment

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At 12:03am on November 22, 2009, Gil Grisales said…
I hope you’ll join us December 10-12th as ICON Technologies co-sponsors the Miami Music Festival taking place right here on the streets of Brickell. One of our clients, Havana Dreams at Brickell will be one of the many venues housing performers day and night for the two days.

Click here for more information on the Miami Music Festival:

We hope to see you there and at ICON Technologies’ other events, functions, parties and more in 2010!


Gil Grisales
Founder | ICON Technologies
[ ] Digital Marketing Services
[ ] Creative Development for Print & Web
[ ] Custom Site Design & Web-Based Software Engineering
[ ] Technology Services & Support
At 9:52am on November 3, 2009, Alex (MUL) said…
1 day to go...
At 8:11am on October 30, 2009, Alex (MUL) said…
So where's this secret birthday location?? The suspense is killing me... lol
At 9:41am on October 20, 2009, Alex (MUL) said…
Sneaky, sneaky! lol
At 2:49pm on August 27, 2009, Yanko said…
Hey you! whats the deal?
At 7:58pm on August 13, 2009, Alex (MUL) said…
Coming by Mia tomorrow for the sneak preview?
At 2:36pm on August 13, 2009, Alex (MUL) said…
Make sure to join the Nirvana group when you have a chance:
At 2:35pm on August 13, 2009, Alex (MUL) said…
Welcome to the club! :)

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