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Hi My MIAMIurbanlife Neighbors,


There are some people that can really use your help...


I recently registered for the 2011 Zimmerman MS Bike Ride Presented by Mack Cycle and Fitness because I want to do something for the people who have been diagnosed - and because I want to do everything to educate more people on what it means to live with this disease. Today, there is no cure for multiple sclerosis, and with diagnosis occurring most frequently between the ages of 20 and 50, many individuals face a lifetime filled with unpredictability. (This is OUR age group!)


Having multiple sclerosis means that you may suddenly have blurry vision. Or that your memory will fail you for no apparent reason. Or that you may not always be able to walk, let alone ride a bike. The symptoms of MS are different, and devastating, for everyone - the only certainty is that it will affect yet another person every hour of every day.


This will be my first year riding for MS and I will be riding in honor of a pledge. I have made it my goal to raise $2000 on top of riding 150 miles from Miami to Key Largo. This is a HUGE challenge for me and I've already started my intense training. I feel so fortunate to be able to do this and be in good health to ride for someone else. We should all feel so blessed.


I ask you all as my friends, please help me raise money for this cause and create an awareness for those that aren't as fortunate as we are to even take a walk around the corner. Every little bit help, whether its $10, $20... $50 or more.


Why You Should Sponsor Me


The National Multiple Sclerosis Society will use funds collected from the 2011 Zimmerman MS Bike Ride Presented by Mack Cycle and Fitness to not only support research for a cure tomorrow, but also to provide programs which address the needs of people living with MS today. Because we can fight this disease by simply riding a bike, because we have chosen to help thousands of people through a contribution to the 2011 Zimmerman MS Bike Ride Presented by Mack Cycle and Fitness, we are now getting closer to the hour when no one will have to hear the words, "You have MS."


Thank you for your help!


Please go to this link to make your donation:

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