Who's your neighbor?

Hi Everyone!

The New MUL CHAT is now online! There is a new chat bar that runs along the bottom of your browser (like Facebook chat) while you surf the site.

To access the chat window, just click " (# members online)" on the bottom of your browser. There is also an arrow icon that will open a chat pop up window.

Once in chat, you can click the little speaker icon so that you hear a sound when anyone types a message in chat.
Best of all, you can see who's online and even chat with them privately!


-Alex (MUL)

Views: 367

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Really like the new chat! It's great that you can just pop it out into its own window..... Keep it up!
Thanks, Regla! It used to be more visible on the main page, so I think people still need to get used to finding it on the bottom.

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