Who's your neighbor? gets featured in Miami Modern Luxury Magazine!

An interesting article was written in the realty section of Miami Modern Luxury Magazine about how online blogs and networking sites give prospective buyers an uncensored look at what's going on in some of the newest condos and their surrounding areas., part of this real estate "dot-com drive", is shown on Page 80 of the July/August issue. Make sure to pick up a copy at your local news stand or book store.

>> Download a printable PDF version of the article!

You may also view the digital edition online at:
(MUL is shown on page 80)

Miami is an oversized, glossy magazine published by Modern Luxury Media, the award-winning publisher of regional lifestyle magazines. It offers in depth coverage of the local art, film, dining, nightlife, design, realty and travel scenes, as well as its cutting-edge fashion.

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Congrats MUL and Alex!
Congratulations! Just remember us little people (no jokes please!) when Microsoft or some huge real estate offers you Millions!
Remember, me as your agent gets 25%!
That photo must have been taken right after a session at the pool and rm 515!
Congrats Alex! U look great in ur pic and MUL must be doing well to be getting this coverage!
Thank you! Hopefully this will get us a lot more members and the site will just keep getting better and better for everyone! :)
Way to go, Alex! :)
Good stuff brotha!!!! Glad to see MUL on other publications. Let's keep it moving!!!
Make sure to pick up a free copy at Perricone's Marketplace & Cafe in Brickell Village. It's a great magazine!
Way to go cuz!...Saw you in the magazine! =)
U are da BOMB !
next stop: ODE!
from what I recall.. an editor from ODE said she will get MUL on ODE once 500 members were reached... from what I see there are more than 500 members & growing!
Congrats Alex

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